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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Too Concerned to Remain Silent anymore! 20 Jun 09 , 16:57 PM

Dear "Concerned"

You are welcome!

Although homosexuals do not chose to be gay, they are also NOT born gay. There are NO respected geneticist in the world to have claimed that they have found a "gay gene".

There is really NO such a thing as a homosexual. As strange as that may sound, it's true. We are all biological heterosexuals.

Give me some more time, I will be continuing writing more from the book and on this subject, and also on the prevention of homsexuality later and then posting it.

Thanks for all your patience!

"So let me say clearly again: NO one chooses to feel attracted to someone of the same sex. However, men and women DO choose how they will act on those feelings. When the pain of this struggle captivates the heart, some people believe their only option is a homosexual identity and lifestyle. That’s where CHOICE comes into play: actively participating in a homosexual act".

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