"Any person can be successful on smooth seas, but it is the victor over the storm who gains true honor"
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

LEE - 21 Jun 09 , 14:19 PM

Thank you "good seed", that was very assuring.

To those who may be discouraged or wonder why MICA or the Govt doesnt seem to be doing anything about the pro gay activists stand by our media.

Have faith that if you are writing to our leaders, you are being heard. It could be that the Govt or MICA is "silent" because they dont want to give the LGBT bullies in the West the smugness of saying ST and company are puppets of the Govt. If the Govt comes out to publicly shame the Press and Media, it may backfire.

My advice is continue doing what we have been doing, let our voices be heard loud and clear and dont fret about ST and their arrogance. Let the public and leaders know the truth and inform them about what the media will not write about. That's important than waiting for apologies that wont come.

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