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Sunday, June 21, 2009

THINK AGAIN - 21 Jun 09 , 15:21 PM

Those who read ST article “COMING OUT IN CHINA”. Do you realize how the media sensationalized the issue as if there’s such a large majority that’s beginning to accept homosexual acts?

Quote from ST: “”In a survey of 400 people across Chinese cities last year, sociologist Li Yinhe, of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, found what she termed a 'quite high' level of tolerance of gays - 'possibly because China has no widely held religion and hence no religion-based opposition to homosexuality like in the West', she wrote on her blog””Unquote.

MY VIEW: China has over 1.3 BILLION people. The survey is from only 400 people across the Chinese cities. Yet they actually quote this sociologist as saying that this is a “quite high” level of tolerance? 400 surveyed out of 1.30 BILLION PEOPLE is “quite high”?
June 20, 2009
'Coming out' in China By Sim Chi Yin, China Correspondent
While homosexuality is still largely a social taboo, Chinese society is slowly opening up .

A crowd of 200 gay, straight, Chinese and expatriate guests gathered the Songzhuang Art District on the city's outskirts for what organisers quietly hailed as a breakthrough for gays in China, where homosexuality was delisted as a 'mental illness' only in 2001.. Unquote

MY VIEW: The media loves to say homosexuality was delisted as a mental disorder. But they fail to report another side of it: Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of Disorders.
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MY VIEW: The media loves to say homosexuality was delisted as a mental disorder. But they fail to report another side of it: Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of Disorders.

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