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Friday, June 26, 2009


In Defence of Society's Standards
By SuperAdamantium @ 9:38 PM :: 46 Views :: 0 Comments :: Aspirations for REACH

The last time I checked, the MOE had fired AWARE as a sex education programme provider because of the latter’s promotion of gay propaganda. If calling a spade a spade is deemed moral bashing, I wonder what would one call MOE’s action? Moral execution? Yet MOE’s action was widely applauded by mainstream society.

Most of the moral decline in Western societies and now in Singaporean society that allowed for the rise of homosexual militancy almost unchecked stemmed firstly from a misplaced sense of societal harmony ------ that moral indignations are called moral bashings, that groups with aberrant norms or morals must be included to reach a consensus for the sake of harmony, that an amoral, laissez faire attitude is best.

The issue now is a fight over standards, moral standards for society. Not a fight over whether homosexuals have the right to live.

Standards cannot entertain exceptions, just like 1 metre must equal 100 centimetres ------ there are no exceptions to this measure. Or that the passing mark for an examination is 50.

You may fail to live up to the standard; but the standard stays. You don’t change the passing mark just so that you can pass. That’s subversion.

So the moral standard for sexuality in our society is heterosexuality. That which doesn’t make the grade then is deemed immoral. What’s immoral ------ homosexuality, bisexuality, paedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, sadomasochism, etc, whatever.

Homosexuals are now trying, through AWARE, through sex education programme in schools, through the media, the arts and politics to change society’s moral benchmark to include homosexuality as a pass.

Like I said, society’s moral standards should not change. You can fail to make the grade. You live to try another day. Nobody’s denying you the right to live. But mainstream society would and should deny homsosexual activists' efforts at corrupting and subverting our moral standards.


  1. I think Hollywood played a big role in influencing people's views of homosexuality. In the movie American Beauty for example, a gay couple was portrayed as happy, stable; whilst the 'homophobe' guy was ugly, hypocritical etc. Most of the popular, prime-time tv programs are the same. For example, Judging Amy, Brothers and Sisters, The Practice etc. Anything critical of homosexuality is portrayed in very negative light. With Sporeans being so Westernized, I am very sure it's a matter of time before we go that way.

    Father of Three

  2. That's why its important we continue to speak out and not be drowned out by vocal minority who wants Singapore to go the way of the West.

    What we should do is DELAY and stem the tide of moral decay in our nation. If mainstream conservatives spoke up or wrote more often, it would deal a greater blow to the gay activists and media. We have been too silent for too long.


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