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Sunday, June 21, 2009

LEE - 21 Jun 09 , 11:08 AM

Dear "Too Concerned to remain silent"

You have done a lot of work by extracting certain portions of Mike Haley's book. Thank you very much for the effort. I am sure many have found it helpful.

May I offer some suggestions?

1) You can transport all your posts on this book to REMARKS BY EDUCATION MINISTER ON SEXUALITY PROGRAMME. Then whatever NEW extracts you wish to type can be continued from there.

2) The information you have is good for MOE and the Education Ministry so having it on their thread is good. Best to do it asap so Reach can feedback to them.

3) You have covered quite extensively from your current pages on this thread on Mike Haley. The information was useful. Perhaps you can just put a latest comment for others to read the rest of it on the REMARKS BY EDUCATION MINISTER thread.

4) I hope others out there will take the initiative to check with the bookstores and ask them to order the book if it's not available. Please share if any of you managed to find it from any bookstores here. They will order it for you if you request esp Borders.
You can also can be order direct through the Net via Amazon.

I found out that a friend has it and will be borrowing it to read.

5) Each one of us must continue to be pro-active, take the initiative and steps to do what is needed if you are interested in the contents of the book. That way, "Too Concerned to remain silent" doesnt have to do so much work. I understand what you mean about being tired. This is time consuming but its to stem the tide of moral decay.

6) Do take note of copyright laws when extracting as it should only be a small portion of the book.
censorship rules

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