"Any person can be successful on smooth seas, but it is the victor over the storm who gains true honor"
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Terminator - 20 Jun 09 , 16:47 PM

Dear all

Thanks for continuing to write and research into the issues that are close to our heart.
I am really glad that most of us conducted ourselves in a gracious manner.

We have to show the rest that we can discuss and debate about things in a mature and dignified way.

NO need to jeer, sneer, mock or issue threats and etc not like the other group.

Actually the words civic and pluralistic have been redefined by that newspaper into " must think like them if not you are not going to be treated civicilly and will not be tolerated.

I thought these people are masters of the words and yet can't understand the real meaning of the words. It is really time for an overhaul of that newspaper. Standards of english have dropped so low!

Please read the TOday paper sat edition. An article written by Phin is quite slanted towards that side. Please comment.

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