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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To All Parents & Concerned Citizens,

If you care for your children’s future or remember about AWARE, please read on their attempt to come back in another form:-

The groupies & sympathizers are everywhere. So, AWARE is only their vehicle. Infiltrated and taken over. I was once very supportive of their cause when they were pushing to make the women’s lot better. But since then, they have taken up a different cause to fight for under the cloak of women’s rights. As AWARE has now been found out, they have started a new organization “Charter of Compassion”. Different name but same people behind the organization with a view to convert people’s mind to accept moral concepts that’s contrary to the majority view. They want to remake Singapore into A little California in US of A where from young you were taught that same sex marriages & anal s** is fine and normal.

These people are mostly well educated and even thought they are small in numbers, they have their people and sympathizers in many NGOs and social organizations and also in the Arts scene and media. "The pen is mightier than the sword" as the saying goes.

You really don’t need to have a big group if you have well placed people and I think unlimited resources to fall back on. Many of them uses the cloak of respectability to push their agendas. For example, this Prof. Tan from USA, who’s supposed to be an activist in Singapore and who’s now going to give a seminar to “basically” tell people that Asian society is pro-gay and we should be accommodating to them.

Yes, Asian society has ALWAYS been accommodating but that did not mean we agreed with their lifestyle. If a child turns out to be a gay, do we kick them out of the house? NO! Sad? Yes! But, the parents will still accept them.

It’s the western educated minority amongst them who are trying to force they views on us. Worst, they were doing it quietly to our young school-going children to mold their thinking at an age when our young are vulnerable. Do you want to teach your young that “anal sex is fine and ok”, right?

They are also using the Arty people, theatre groups, media, social groups to push their agenda in various disguises.

Hopefully, by being watchful, we concerned citizens will be able to voice our concerns loud enough for our Govt to hear. As you can see, ST, being our national media, has not been helpful in that respect and has been shown to be biased in their accounting of the AWARE issue. In my humble opinion, I felt their reporting made it into an issue of Religion v Homosexuals which was not the case. It was really a case of a group of brave people who were unfortunately, from the same religious background, being parents & concerned citizens, who found out about AWARE’s agenda in disseminating teachings such as “anal sex is fine and ok”. Do you want that?

Please email on this message to as many of your friends as possible to keep them informed. We as concerned parents & citizens have been sleeping for far too long, far too passive in our actions. We have to start taking the responsibility of watching over our young when moral issues are concerned. Write to the Govt too to voice out your concerns.

If you have friends amongst you who are willing to start an organization for concerned citizens/ to be a lobby group, let us know and you will find many willing to take up membership.

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