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Friday, June 19, 2009

LEE's Latest Article-Letter To The NMP Select Committee

Hi All,

Praetorian has put LEE's complete letter on this blog. If possible, you may want to copy and do the same by sending this letter to the Select Committee through REACH:

--LEE's Letter----------

18 Jun 09 , 22:42 PM


“Dear Members of the Special Select Committee

-Speaker Abdullah Tarmugi (Chairman)
-Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Finance and Second Minister for Transport
-Mr Low Thia Khiang
-Mr Mah Bow Tan, Minister for National Development
-Mr Masagos Zulkifli BMM, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Home Affairs
-Mr Michael Palmer; -Mr Sam Tan Chin Siong; Mrs Josephine Teo"

On the selection of NMP's, those who come into Parliament must bring added value and not be those who will most likely start lobbying for their "own" groups. Singapore is a multi racial and multi religious nation and if people like Loretta Chan are likely to be very vocal about pushing the pro gay agenda onto public space in Parliament, it is going to cause alot of problems for our society and end up polarising our nation. She has proudly and openly announced her lesbian stand and has directed films with controversial themes (please see below). Leaders in Parliament should set good examples for our younger generation.

It is bad enough that Mr. Siew Kum Hong set a very bad example when he took sides at the Aware saga. Instead of bringing calm to an explosive situation, he only added to the problems by his behaviour at the EGM. I hope the committee will review his desire to stand for a 2nd term.

Ministers and MPs need to be people of integrity and I am thankful for the PAP Government. I appeal to the committe to select NMP's who can contribute to the good of Singaporeans instead of polarising our society should they be selected.
---contd pg 2----

18 Jun 09 , 22:43 PM

Contd Pg. 2 my letter on Selection of NMPs

NMPs are like de facto politicians..not elected by the people but have the privilege to give their views in parliament. They should be responsible in their actions and speak. They should carry balanced and objective views as any issue is a double-edged sword. Rather than just shoot from-the-hip and give biased views through 'tinted lenses' like Mr Siew Kum Hong when he commented and sided on the AWARE saga. We need NMPs who come with objective positions and solutions…... So NMPs must bring added value and Not just lobby for some group. If one cannot contribute in this manner, they don't deserve to be selected to be an NMP. -- Kay Tee on Reach website


Loretta Chen is openly gay and has also directed films with mainly controversial themes. She's supposed to be a nominee from the arts community but is this again a back door for more pro LGBTs to represent voice in Parliament for education? I love the arts & the many artistic talents but I resent the double standards here... Christians were accused of entering "secular" space, why should gays and lesbians have free access to this so-called 'secular' space? -- isay on Reach website
Entertainment -3 Apr 2007 - Lesbian director Loretta Chen and gay playwright Ng Yi-Sheng want audiences to see one Singapore's most internationally known icons, porn actress Annabel Chong, in a different light. Their play 251 opens this Thursday.. Annabel Chong - who needs little introduction - became world famous in 1995 for appearing in a groundbreaking adult movie titled The World's Biggest Gangbang. The then-22-year-old, whose real name is Grace Quek, was filmed having sex 251 times with 70 men over a period of about 10 hours.
---contd pg 3----

18 Jun 09 , 22:43 PM

Contd Pg. 3 my letter on Selection of NMPs

There has been so much talk about not bringing religion into the debate by the Pluralists and All Inclusive people. So many articles printed by the Straits Times on this statement. However, I wonder why double standards are allowed to be made on the word "religion". This is an example from what Alex Au said in the forum for the repeal of the gay sex law in July 2007.


Au, a founding member of gay advocacy group People Like Us and Fridae columnist said: "Taking the economic argument presents a danger, which is to buy into the whole ideology that ultimately humans are digits. I want to base an argument purely on the human rights. Gay identity is VERY FUNDAMENTAL; it is as fundamental as your ethnic identity, as your linguistic identity, AS YOUR RELIGIOUS IDENTITY. That being the case, therefore the state through its tools, law, should give equal recognition to that liberty to express your identity."
So members of the Special Select Committee, the word "religion" can mean many things to many people. It is not right nor fair for the Pluralists and LGBT's (lesbians, gays, bisexual, Transexuals) and reporters of ST to insist that those of the different faiths cannot bring their arguments based on religion when in fact, the gay identity is so fundamental - its practically a "religion" to them.
---contd on Pg. 4---

18 Jun 09 , 22:44 PM

Contd Pg. 4 my letter on Selection of NMPs

We have enjoyed much peace and harmony for so many years. If NMP's should comprise of people who will start lobbying for their own "groups" and polarise society, what the Government hopes to achieve for our nation will unravel very quickly. If these NMP's should start polarising our nation, much time and energy that should be channelled for more worthy causes will be taken up by these issues.

Thank you for your attention."

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,
    Its great to have this blog. Thanks "P"!
    I suggest all of you write your letters in your own words so its more personal and meaningful. You can use my letter as a guide to the points you want to make.
    My homework on Loretta Chen (sorry not Chan) was only that bit. Perhaps you may have more information that you can include in your email to the Select Committe. Then it can also shared.

    Remember please to be very rational and dont come across as paranoid. We should avoid saying we are against any LGBTs in Parliament. We are simply being cautious about the ones who may push the pro gay agenda under certain disguises..choice of words very important. Thanks.


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