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Monday, July 6, 2009

Too Concerned to Remain Silent anymore!


05 Jun 09 , 23:42 PM

Thank you to [Details removed] and "Letters to ministers"!

It is indeed reassuring and comforting for us parents to know that there are people like yourself that take up our conservative cause and write to the relevant ministries and people in charged.

We are grateful to you and wish to thank you immensely for your concerns, efforts and well written letters. Thank you for posting your letters here.

Also thank you for highlighting this:-

"Dear Mr Han,

I need to raise two issues with you.

First, you asked our Education Ministry "Don't sacrifice sex education" (ST Editorial, May 8) when they announced that all externally generated sex education was suspended. Among many things, you hoped that after the ministry's vetting exercise, they will continue "to draw on the support of...Aware and Singapore Planned Parenthood Association (SPPA), in expanding the scope of sex education" because they offer useful perspectives and expertise. Both these organizations are generally perceived as good because they seek to improve the welfare of women, but before you make such recommendations, you need to understand the organizations' intentions (visions and mission) by appreciating their history.

SPPA is part of the International PPA, which in turn has its roots in the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). PPFA is founded in 1916 by Margaret Sanger, who is well known for her strong racist and discriminatory advocacy ( Like AWARE, PPFA is an advocate for women's rights but unlike AWARE, their roots and their programs are not pure; they being the largest abortion provider in the USA. For all the good PPFA does, their problem is that they are inconsistent in their views of human sexuality; their problem is that they are inconsistent in their views of human sexuality; their actions show that 'some people matter some of the time' as opposed to 'all people matter all of the time'. Without seeing their program or instructor's guide, I will be very wary of their teachings on sexuality.

If AWARE and SPPA seeks to promote feminism comprehensively, it must be within the context of healthy lifestyles, marriage institution and family unit. You would like to know that no where in AWARE's Comprehensive Sexual Education Instructors Guide v.3 was marriage mentioned (except in an example where marriage was coerced), and thus their sexuality program can hardly be considered comprehensive."

We do Not want Aware or Singapore Planned Parenthood Association (SPPA) to teach our children and minors CSE programmes, irrespective of whether their revised instructor's manual is deemed suitable or not.

We simply do not trust these two vendors.

I know that Focus on the Family is good and Fei Yue too.

So parents, please write in to MOE or the Feedback section here on the REACH Home page to voice our disapproval for Aware and Singapore Planned Parenthood Association (SPPA).

Thank you and appreciate!

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